The Evaluation Conference
On November 10,
the Environment-friendly Straw-based Panel Project, accomplished by Henan
Anchao Panel Co. Ltd. and Nanyang Normal University,
was evaluated as scientific and technological achievement by China Hi-Tech
Industrialization Association. At the evaluation conference, Professor Li
Genquan, director of the NYNU Scientific Research Office, made a general
introduction to the university; Professor Guo Ge, leader of the project, gave a
presentation of the background and process of its research and development,
followed by expert interrogatory and question-and-answer session. In the end,
the evaluation committee reached an agreement on the practical significance of
pollution-free and efficient straw utilization fulfilled in the project and its
frontier manufacturing technology.
Written by: Li Wei
Photos by: Li Wei
Edited by: Zhang Junming
Source: NYNU News (Chinese)