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Graduate program Master of Engineering

Enrollmentsixty students

Research fieldsBio-energy Engineering, Bio-medical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Ecological Restoration, Food Safety, Business Administration on Bio-engineering, Genetic Engineering and other related fields.

Duration: Two and a half years

Tuition 7000 yuan /year

Favorable policies for potential applicants:

1. A scholarship of 7,000 yuan per year for each student.

2. A living subsidy of 15,000 yuan per year for each student.

3. A national scholarship of 20,000 yuan for two percent of the students; a provincial scholarship of 8,000 yuan for forty percent of the students; a university scholarship of 1,000 yuan for ten percent of the students; a scholarship of 2,000 yuan from enterprises for twenty percent of the students.

4. Free accommodation.

5. A research scholarship of 3,000 yuan per year for each student.

