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Professor Li Giving the Symposium

On the afternoon of December 13, Professor Li Liang, Party Secretary and Deputy Dean of the School of Marxism, ShanghaiUniversity, gave a symposium entitled “Raise Classroom Teaching Effect via Modern IT” in the conference room of the TechnologyBuilding. Shao Shufeng, Vice President of NYNU, was present at the symposium hosted by Yuan Yasha, Dean of the School of Marxism, NYNU.

Participants Listening to the Symposium

At the symposium, Professor Li, with a combination of teaching experiences and vivid examples, expounded the significance of applying new media technology to ideology and politics classroom instruction in terms of teaching contents and methods, educational concept and the like, which acquainted teachers participated in the symposium with theoretical frontiers of new media technology and latest advances of practical exploration, and also provided theory foundation and technology support for ideology and politics classroom instruction of more attraction and effectiveness.

Written by: Qiao Chengbang

Photos by: Xiao Hongjing

Edited by: Fu Zhongxin

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)


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