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On the morning of January 5, 2016 NYNU postgraduate commencement was held in the conference room of Technology Building. Lu Zhiwen, Deputy Party Secretary of NYNU, presided over the ceremony, at which related leaders, officials and students were present.

Graduation Ceremony

During the ceremony, Vice President Cao Tianjie and Union President Meng Jingya bestowed certificate of honor to outstanding graduates and advanced individuals; Party Secretary Huang Rongjie presented certificate of honor to excellent graduate student supervisors; Vice President Shao Shufeng conferredmaster’s degree on graduate students.

After the awarding ceremony, student representative Su Mengyao, teacher representative Doctor Qiao Huili and Party Secretary Huang Rongjie made speeches successively, consummating successful conclusion of the commencement.

Written by:Tang Lijing

Photos by:Guo Lihuan

Edited by:Shi Shujing

Source:NYNU News (Chinese)



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