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Speaker: Yang Shouhui
Venue: Lecture Hall of Library on Western Campus

Date: May 22, 2017

Time: 15:00-17:00

Organizer: School of Life Science and Technology

Speaker’s Background and Brief Introduction:

Yang Shouhui, who received a bachelor’s degree in biological science at Nanyang Normal University and then a masters degree in genetics at Jiangsu Normal University, earned his doctors degree in molecular biology of tumor at Tsinghua University, and stayed at the School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, and then the National Cancer Institute, USA, to do post-doctoral research from 2012 to 2016, is now appointed research assistant of the National Cancer Institute affiliated to the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NCI). He has long been engaged in the medical research of molecular mechanism and transformation of tumor, published five theses on authoritative foreign journals like Cancer Research and Oncogene in the last five years and made groundbreaking research in the field of Pancreatic Cancer.

Source: NYNU News(Chinese)


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