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On the afternoon of May 21st, Qin Xu, researcher, professor, and doctoral supervisor from Chinese National Academy of Arts, was invited to give a lecture in the science and technology building in NYNU, titled The Current Value and Future Significance of Traditional National Music Art.

Qin Xu started with whether the integration and comprehensive modernization of the world means that culture, art should also be integrated and modernized. Through the ancient and modern dialectics, cultural value relativity, cultural stratification classification research, he demonstrated the current value of traditional national music art from the theoretical point of view and reviewed the development of Chinese traditional music. By using a large number of examples, Qin then analyzed the value and significance of traditional national music culture from the perspective of cultural consciousness. Qin stressed that we should cultivate gratitude to the excellent traditional culture, respect the excellent traditional culture, and strive to learn, inherit and carry forward the excellent cultural tradition, strengthen cultural confidence, and achieve creative inheritance and innovation development. And we should study Chinese folk music culture in a global view, strengthen the awareness of independent understanding and respect for the cultural diversity of the Chinese nation, better inherit and carry forward Chinese traditional music.


Written by: Dang Dai

Edited by: Shi Shujing
Source: NYNU News (Chinese) 

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