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On the morning of June 30, the photo exhibition of rock paintings opened in the student affairs hall at NYNU. President Zhang Baofeng delivered a speech. He gave a brief introduction to the research of rock paintings from their origin and distribution, excavation and protection. He stressed that the rock paintings discovered in Nanyang would become another platform for our province to show the long and continuous history of the Chinese nation to the world, and to build a historical and cultural landmark of early China.

Bai Zhenguo, Director of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of Nanyang, introduced rock paintings and interpreted rock texts to the teachers and students present. As the precious cultural heritage left by our ancestors, these prehistoric pictures and figures depicted by carving and grinding on rocks are the records of our ancestors' cognition of nature and society.

After the opening ceremony, university leaders and participating experts had a further discussion at the volunteer work station of the Youth League Committee on the development and protection, research and interpretation, and platform construction for Nanyang rock paintings.

Written by: Yang Mei, Pan Xiaoyu
Photos by: Wang Saisai
Edited by: Shi Shujing
Source: NYNU News (Chinese)

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