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On March 15, in order to further promote the implementation of the Sino-US 1+2+1 Project between NYNU and University of North Alabama, NYNU held a video conference on the project promotion in Room 409 on the 4th floor of Science and Technology Building. Vice President Liu Honglin and relevant heads from Office of Teaching Affairs, International Office, School of Foreign Languages and School of Music attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Cao Luman, director of International Office.

Liu first extended welcome and thanks to Zhang Chunsheng, Vice President of University of North Alabama and other relevant US representatives and Wu Qin, Vice Director of China Education Association for International Exchange. Liu Honglin introduced the achievements of NYNU and said that the Party Committee of NYNU attached great importance to the cooperation of this project and would give strong support.

Afterwards, the two sides discussed the enrollment standards, curriculum arrangement and training programs of the project. Zhang Chunsheng proposed that the two universities should be joint together to expand cooperation majors and further implement the project.

Written by: Li Lei

Photo by: Yang Yixin

Edited by: Zhang Yongxiang Source: NYNU News (Chinese)

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