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On the afternoon of May 1st, School of International Education and School of Law of NYNU jointly held a public welfare activity about ecological protection of the middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Leaders from School of International Education, School of Law, International Office, teacher representatives, international students on campus and student representatives from School of Law participated in the activity.

Two significant water conservancy projects in the Chinese history were introduced and explained, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, as well as the spirit of solidarity and dedication behind the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. During the activity, every student further understood the importance of water resource protection by writing the three variants of the Chinese character, 水(water, watching the animation of water resource protection and learning the relevant laws of water resource protection. The activity ended in the reciting, Flow, Water of the Yangtze River, by all the teachers and students.

The activity is to have the international students learn more about the grandness of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, strengthen the friendship between Chinese and foreign students, and also provide a platform for students from School of Law to promote Yi Wan Shui, the public welfare law popularization organization.

Written by: Yang Tian

Photo by: Wang Guangqi

Edited by: Yu Zhengdao
Source: NYNU News (Chinese)


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