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Academic Activities

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On the afternoon of May 16th, at the invitation of the School of Arts and Design, Wang Zhi, a researcher at the China National Academy of Painting, gave an academic report titled Concept and Behavior, Materials and Language ---- on the Enlightenment of Ancient Chinese Historical Documents to Contemporary Art Creation in the lecture hall on the first floor of the library. The academic report was presided over by Chen Xuanrong, the vice dean of the School of Arts and Design. More than 200 teachers and students from the school attended.

Researcher Wang Zhi began with the case of Tu Youyou, who was inspired by ancient Chinese medical literature to extract artemisinin, vividly proposing the significance of ancient documents for contemporary artistic creation. He systematically explored the aesthetic orientation and pluralistic exploration of new era comprehensive material art creation from aspects such as artistic concepts and behaviors, material selection and language use, the history of contemporary Western comprehensive material painting, and the development of 'comprehensive material' painting in China. He believes that in the information age, artists should be more adept at learning and utilizing ancient Chinese historical documents, combining the spirit of the times to find ways to transform artistic concepts and behaviors, and to convert material languages, thereby effectively spreading Chinese culture. In the interactive session, Researcher Wang Zhi answered the questions of teachers and students.

At the end of the report, Cao Tiancheng, the dean of the School of Arts and Art Design, made a brief comment on the wonderful report by researcher Wang Zhi.

This report meeting has played an active role in promoting the development of art education disciplines and the transformation of artistic creation concepts among teachers and students of relevant colleges in the AI era.


Written by: Zhang Jianyu

Photos by: Zhao Zhongjia

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)



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