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Academic Activities

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On the evening of May 19th, at the invitation of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Professor Li Zhijun from Dalian University of Technology gave a special report titled Mathematical Methods in Ice Physics and Mechanics Research in the lecture hall on the third floor of the Science and Technology Building. The report was presided over by Tan Bing, Dean of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and attended by some teachers and students of the School.

Professor Li Zhijun, combining his own life and learning experiences, started with the topic “My Complex with Ice”, and explained through lively and humorous language how to use mathematical models and methods to describe and solve important scientific problems in the study of ice physics and mechanics. Then, using a simple drawing of a polar bear as an example, he guided the students to think about the mathematical formulas it contains. Finally, Li Zhijun had a lively discussion with the attending teachers and students and encouraged the students to solidify their mathematical theoretical foundation, actively explore and discover how to use mathematical theories and methods to solve related problems in real life.

This report was rich and interesting, stimulating the teachers and students of the School of Mathematics and Statistics to deeply think about the basic theories of mathematics, enriching their knowledge reserves, inspiring scientific research ideas, and positively promoting the scientific research level, academic ability, and innovative talent cultivation of the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

Written by: Hu Dali & Han Yuyang

Photos by: Zhang Jiaxin & Sun Qihan

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)


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