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On the morning of January 4, Zhou Haishan, researcher and PhD supervisor, Li Xiaochun, associate researcher and masters supervisor, from the University of Science and Technology of China, were invited to give academic reports respectively on Interactions between Ions and Materials in Magnetically Constrained Fusion Reactors and Effects of Radiation Damage and Helium on the Osmosis and Retention Behavior of Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials in the lecture hall on the third floor of the Science & Technology Building. The presentation was presided over by Zhu Yongsheng, dean of the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering. More than 100 teachers and students from the school attended the presentation.

Researcher Zhou Haishan first introduced the magnetically constrained fusion reactor boundary plasma conditions, first wall material operating conditions, and related research progress, and then introduced the relevant progress of the linear installation of the Fusion Reactor Main Key System Comprehensive Research Facility (CRAFT) project of the 13th Five-Year Plan National Science and Technology Infrastructure. Associate researcher Li Xiaochun introduced the micromechanism of radiation damage and the effects of helium on hydrogen isotope osmosis and retention in hydrogen isotope from five aspects, including hydrogen isotope osmosis and retention problems, potential function development in tungsten/iron-hydrogen-helium systems, interaction between displacement/misplaced rings and hydrogen/complex helium atoms, and the synergy between displacement/misplaced rings and helium clusters on hydrogen atoms. Finally, the teachers and students present had in-depth exchanges and discussions with the two experts on the academic issues in the report.

The reports of researcher Zhou Haishan and associate researcher Li Xiaochun are close to the cutting edge and rich in content, enhancing the understanding of our teachers and students in the field of interaction between plasma and materials in fusion reactors, and will push the college to a new level of scientific research in related fields.


Written by: Pan Xindong

Photos by: Jiang Pei

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)


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