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On the morning of May 17, Yue Feng, a professor from the School of Music of Nanjing Normal University, presented an academic report entitled Great Pioneer in Zhongyuan Traditional Chinese Music ---- Wang Shouting at the Central Concert Hall. More than 200 students and teachers from the School of Music attended. The lecture was presided over by Professor Zhang Wenmin, vice dean of the School of Music.

Professor Yue Feng used old photographs, physical pictures and audio-visual historical material to introduce Mr. Wang Shoutings learning experiences, teaching career, teaching research, performing arts and social influence. She also fully explained the historical significance of Wang Shouting in the development history of Chinese erhu art. After the report, Ma Qi accepted the gift book from Professor Yue Feng on behalf of the School of Music.

This report will expand the academic horizon of our schools teachers and students, help them to conduct academic research and refine the topic selection of art projects, and play a role in promoting the creation of a good academic atmosphere.



Written & Photo by: Zhang Yu

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)


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