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On the afternoon of May 12th, NYNU held a meeting for the discipline group construction of Han culture in the Central Plains in the east conference room on the first floor of the Office Building. President Zhang Baofeng attended the meeting and made a pep speech. Heads and teachers attended the meeting from Office of Social Science, Office of Postgraduates, School of Literature, School of History, School of Arts and Design, School of Journalism and Communication, School of Music, School of Physical Education, School of Geography and Tourism, School of Marxism, and School of Jewelry and Jade Carving. The meeting was hosted vice president Luo Yongsong.

Zhang Baofeng pointed out that we should carefully plan the discipline construction, fully use the rich and unique Han cultural resources in Nanyang, produce a number of landmark achievements, so as to make liberal arts studies in our university reach a higher level. 

Written by: Zhang Hengjie

Photo by: Duan Ruiqi

Edited by: Shi Shujing
Source: NYNU News (Chinese) 

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