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On the morning of May 23, to consolidate the cooperation outcomes of our school with Virginia Commonwealth University (hereinafter referred to as VCU) and to further promote the implementation and refinement of the project, NYNU held a symposium and signing ceremony for the project cooperation with Virginia Commonwealth University in the conference room on the third floor of the Office Building. Kathleen Rudasill, Dean of the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University, and her party of five attended the symposium. Vice President Liu Honglin, and relevant persons in charge from the Office of Educational Administration, School of Educational Sciences, School of Physical Education, and the International Office, attended the symposium.

Liu Honglin welcomed Kathleen Rudasill and her delegation. He pointed out that our school, with the 2+2 joint undergraduate program as a key initiative, continues to promote cooperation between the two schools, leading to a new level of collaboration, promoting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries, and deepening mutual learning and inspiration.

Kathleen Rudasill stated that the two schools established a cooperative relationship from 2022, and through the unremitting efforts of both parties, the project has been further implemented. Starting with the two professional cooperation projects of preschool education and physical education, the schools have expanded the project results to more disciplines of both schools, promoting further development of the project.

Both parties further discussed the details of student exchange, teacher training, scientific research cooperation, and academic exchange, and then conducted on-site inspections at the School of Educational Sciences and the School of Physical Education.

In the afternoon, the delegation from Virginia Commonwealth University held a presentation on the Nanyang Normal University and Virginia Commonwealth University 2+2 Program in the conference room of the Science and Technology Building, with nearly 200 students participating in the event. After the meeting, the delegation visited the university museum.

Written by: Li Lei

Photos by: Feng Yijun & Chen Haoxiang

Edited by: Zhang Junming

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)


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