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In August 2012, School of Environmental Science and Tourism and School of Economics and Management cooperated, applied for the provincial key discipline and was approved. It mainly focuses on three areas: calamity geography, regional economy, and tourism resources developing and planning.

In view of the special geographical position and humanistic characteristics of Henan Province, regional economy studies urban and rural integration process with the characteristic of traditional agriculture, especially the development of traditional agriculture industry cluster.

Tourism resources developing and planning has become a highlight in Human Geography. With prominent regional features, its studies are closely combined with the tourist economic development needs of Henan Province.

With the satellite earth station and advanced techniques of satellite remote sensing, three dimension simulation, calamity geography works on early warning and surveillance of disasters, for instance, the research on warning and surveillance of earthquakes according to satellite remote sensing statistics. The studies aim at promoting scientific research strength, resilience of disaster prevention, and reduction.

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