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Academic Activities

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On the evening of October 19, at the invitation of the School of Law, Professor Han Xu from the School of Law of Sichuan University gave an academic lecture titled The Fourth Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law: How to Construct a Complete and Scientific Evidence System in the Central Area Studio. Zhao Yixin, the vice dean of the School of Law, presided over the lecture. Teachers, postgraduate students of the School of Law and all undergraduate students majoring in law attended the lecture.

During the lecture, Professor Han Xu started from the comparison of the number of evidence provisions in the criminal procedure laws and evidence laws at home and abroad, and analyzed the problems existing in the evidence system of Chinas criminal procedure law. On this basis, Professor Han expounded his views on the guiding ideology for the legislation of the evidence system in the criminal procedure law and the specific content of its amendment.

On the morning of October 20, Professor Han Xu visited the School of Law. He had a discussion and exchange with the teachers of our school on issues related to the discipline construction of the School of Law, the application for National Social Science Foundation projects, and the publication of academic papers. He put forward some suggestions and answered the questions raised by the teachers present.


Written by: Zhang Kai; Gao Ruicong & Wu Junyi

Photo by: Zhao Hanshuo

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)


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