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[Lecture] New Learning of Philosophers and the Dissemination of Chinese Culture

Speaker: Prof. Fang Yong (East China Normal University)

Date: June 21, 2024(Friday)

Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Venue: Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, Western Library

Report Introduction: The report introduces the birth of New Learning of Philosophers and the latest concept of Chinese cultural dissemination. New Learning of Philosophers is an academic form, but more importantly, it is a cultural stance, a cultural discourse that responds to the times. Empowering this issue with diverse traditional cultural resources can effectively advance the construction of a strong Chinese cultural nation.

Introduction to the speaker: Fang Yong, professor and doctoral supervisor, director of the Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophers Research Center at East China Normal University, founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophers (a CSSCI collection), and the proponent and advocate of New Learning of Philosophers academic concept. His research directions include Ancient Chinese Literature, Zhuangzi Studies, and Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophers Studies.

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)


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