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[Lecture] Plasma-material Interactions in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors

Lecturer: Researcher Zhou Haishan

Date: January 4, 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 9:00-10:00

Venue: Lecture Hall, 3rd Floor, Science and Technology Building

Introduction to the lecture: The interaction between plasma and first-wall materials is one of the main scientific problems in magnetic confinement nuclear fusion research because it is related to the high-parameter steady-state operation, fuel cycle, and service life of materials/components of fusion reactors. This report mainly introduces the boundary plasma conditions, the working conditions of the first wall material and related research progress of the magnetic confinement fusion reactor, and introduces the relevant progress of the linear device of the Fusion Reactor Host Key System Comprehensive Research Facility (CRAFT) project of the 13th Five-Year National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure.

About the lecturer: Haishan Zhou is a researcher at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a doctoral supervisor at the University of Science and Technology of China. He is mainly engaged in the research of plasma-materials interaction in fusion reactors. At present, he is the director of the Fusion Reactor Materials and Components Research Office of the Institute of Plasma, the chief engineer of the Deflector Plasma and Material Interaction Research Platform of the 13th Five-Year Plan National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure CRAFT Project, and has successively presided over the national key research and development projects, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, excellent youth/surface/youth and other projects.

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