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On the morning of April 20, the 37th track and field sports meet of NYNU was held in the stadium on central campus. Leaders of NYNU, members of the Sports Meet Committee and related officials of all Departments and Schools attended the opening ceremony.

The Stands of the Stadium



The school flag of NYNU, the emblem of the sports meet, representative team of referees and representative teams of athletes entered the arena in turns.

A Representative Team of Athletes Entering the Arena



Deputy Secretary Liu Mingge Announcing Name-list of the Sports Meet Committee






Vice President Shao Shufeng Making an Opening Address






President Wang Liya Declaring the Sports Meet Open



The following grand artistic performance on the theme of Youth and Dream consisting of four episodes about melody, charm, rhythm and dream of youth respectively was fulfilled by more than two thousand students and won salvos of applause from the audience on the scene.

A Group Photo of the Artistic Performance

Performance of the 9th Edition of the People's Radio Calisthenics






Dance Yoga



Square Style

Martial ArtsBaduanjinExercise

Umbrella DanceI Believe

Fly the Dream

The sports meet has commenced after the opening ceremony. Over 1300 athletes of students and faculties divided into four groups will take part in the 3-day sports carnival.

Written by:Guo Lihuan; Qu Han

Photos by:Zhang Junming; Guo Lihuan; Chen Biao; Zhang Yue

Edited by:Shi Shujing

Source:NYNU News (Chinese)


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