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On the morning of June 28th, invited by the School of Life Sciences, Professor Sun Baolin from the Department of Life Sciences and Medicine at the  gave an academic report titled The Molecular Mechanism of Nitric Oxide Synthase NOS Regulation in Staphylococcus aureus and the Occurrence of Vancomycin Resistance to the faculty and students of our school. The report was chaired by Niu Qiuhong, Dean of the School of Life Sciences. And Li Dandan, Dean of the Institute of Modern Biotechnology attended the meeting, as well as some faculty and students from the School.

Professor Sun Baolin first started from his own research experience, combined with the research results of the research group, and introduced the molecular mechanism by which NO derived from bacterial NOS sources promotes the occurrence of vancomycin resistance by mediating the S-nitrosylation modification of target proteins MgrA or WalR in a simple and profound way. Subsequently, Professor Sun had an in-depth exchange with teachers and students on the drug resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and the molecular mechanism of the NO signaling pathway.

The report has enhanced the understanding of the faculty and students at our school regarding the cutting-edge advancements in the field of pathogenic bacteria pathogenesis and drug resistance mechanisms. It has also laid a solid foundation for further in-depth scientific research cooperation, which will help to elevate the research level in the relevant fields of the School of Life Sciences to a new level.

Written by: Yang Shuqiong

Photo by: Wang Jiabao

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)


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