On the morning of June 9, invited by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Professor Tang Zhongwei of Beijing Normal University gave a special report entitled Starting from Natural Numbers ---- Theories and Application of Real Numbers in Mathematical Analysis in the lecture hall on the third floor of the Science and Technology Building. The report was presided over by Chen Qing, vice dean of the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Some teachers and students in Grade 2000 and Grade 2021 listened to the report.
First, Tang Zhongwei defined the addition and multiplication of natural numbers based on the Peano axioms. Subsequently, Tang Zhongwei introduced the development history of natural numbers and expounded his knowledge of natural numbers. Tang then inspired the students to use mathematical induction to deduce the nature of natural numbers together, and briefly introduced the whole number, rational number and the classification of whole numbers. Finally, Tang gave practical advice on how to memorize the definitions of mathematical analysis theorems during the preparation for the postgraduate entrance exam, and encouraged students to lay a solid professional foundation.
The report not only shows the academic charm of mathematics, but also inspires the students’ enthusiasm for in-depth study and exploration of mathematics, which helps to promote the discipline connotation construction of the School of Mathematics and Statistics and improve the quality of talent training.
(Tang Zhongwei, male, born in 1976, professor, PhD supervisor, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University. His main research fields are partial differential equations and nonlinear analysis. And he has made a series of important research work in the multi-modal solution problem of partial differential equations (groups), the ground state solution description of Schrodinger equation, etc. He has published nearly sixty SCI papers, and chaired six National Natural Science Foundation projects.)
Written by: Hu Dali & Zhang Louhan
Photo by: Wang Yile
Source: NYNU News (Chinese)