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On the morning of May 26, Professor Shi Cheng, from the School of History, Capital Normal University, was invited to deliver an academic presentation entitled The Production and Flow of Gold and Silver in Early Modern America in Lecture Hall S305 of the Yifu Building. More than 130 teachers and students of the school attended the lecture, which was presided over by Wang Chunyang, head of the Social Science Office.  

Academic circles at home and abroad believe that the gold and silver produced in early modern America had a profound impact on the Americas, Spain, other regions and countries of Europe, and the world at large. But the lack of a complete and detailed record of how much gold and silver was produced in America, and where it went, is one of the great unsolved mysteries of world history. By combing through various estimates and speculations on the production and flow of gold and silver in the Americas since the colonial era, Professor Shi Cheng compared the direct and indirect flow of gold and silver, and analyzed the reasons and amounts of silver flowing to different regions in the Americas.

At the same time, the reasons for the influx of silver into China from the Americas in the early modern period are explained, and the global impact of Chinese demand for silver is revealed..During the interactive session, Professor Shi Cheng held in-depth discussions with the faculty and students on the subject of the report and global history theory.

Professor Shi Chengs report, with its detailed data and rigorous arguments, has greatly expanded the academic horizons of both teachers and students, and helped to improve the theoretical literacy and global awareness of history among students.



Written by: Zhang Hengjie

Photo by:Wang Yujia

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)



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